Monday, August 3, 2009

The end of the trip

Kirra, Jenna and Peyton dressing up
Oh it's great to have cousins!

Bennett is Joan's youngest and we got to hang out with him a lot. Cohl loved Bennett

Girl pic! Dante was fun for the girls to be around too! Whenever Kirra didn't see Dante she asked where she was and when she was coming back.

Beautiful sunset just before the fireworks on the 4th.

Some of them built a huge sunken fort to hang out it while the fireworks were going on. Dad and Cohl had a bet that the tide would or would not fill the hole. Cohl won the bet that it would not fill up and got $10 from dad.

Cohl lost his 1st tooth

Funny story: Cohl's tooth was loose when we started our trip to Legoland. After two days on the trip we were eating pizza @ Ali and Scott's house and after dinner was all cleared he noticed that the tooth was not there. We looked everywhere and found it under the table.

Face Painting @ Legoland

This was one of the coolest things we did. Cohl got this huge spider.
Kirra got a princess mask.

Jenna got a dolphin.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

getting updated...Here's JULY

Legoland first was a blast!!! Thanks to very generous cousins we were able to go for two days and then one day at the beach.