Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas 2009

** Cohl 6 1/2, Jenna almost 3, Kirra almost 5**
(These are pics from JC Pennys just before Chirstmas...we brought our own Santa, my dad)

Well yet another Christmas season has come and gone. Sadly I do not have any pictures of my own to share because I cannot find the battery charger for my camera. We will probably get some pics from friends and family that we can post later.

As I look back on the last few weeks there are a few things that I remember with a smile.

This year we got a Nativity Scene made by the company Play Mobil. They are lego-like but don't come apart and are kid friendly and not breakable. So we wrapped up each piece individually and had three to unwrap each day for 6 days. So as the 6 days before marched on the kids unwrapped the Christmas story. We also got them a kid Bible this year to share and read from that Bible as we unwrapped the characters. Then they held up their character as it was mentioned in the story. That way there were listening for their part. It was fun and they got to open "presents" for 6 days leading up to Christmas. It was definitly memorable and to be repeated for years to come.

Secondly David and I and the SE campus of The Well were able to volunteer at The Neighborhood Thrift making Christmas present giving a little more possible for people this year through discounted new toys and clothes. It was a joy to serve beside you all!

Another great time was seeing my girlfriends that are dispersed in two countries. We missed you Colleen!

Lastly we were able to spend great TIME with all the sides of our family this year and not just rush from one place to the next.

Thank you all for making this year a great year!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

Kirra's preschool class went to the pumpkin patch. This is the one she chose.

King of Catan

Cohl fell in love with the game of Settlers this past summer. I think we may have played it every day for about 2 months. Anyhow he definitly got the hang of it. This is a picture of the winning board when he beat me and my step dad one afternoon. Cohl was brown. GREAT JOB BUDDY!! It is so fun to see your kids find something that they love and be excited to do it and get better at it. (Cohl turned 6 this past summer)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Update from Us 5

Hello all
it's been a while since I updated. We've been in a whirlwind of events. We decided to sell our house, and did in a week with a two week escrow...then lived with my mom and step-dad for 2 1/2 months until mid October. We are now renting a lovely home in SE Fresno. I have run into some health challenges that have to be dealt with. It's slow but coming along. There are a lot of details about it but to sum it up-- overall exhaustion inside and out. So we're taking it slow and focusing on the kids and resting right now.
Speaking of the kids they are all very well! I have pictures to post but have to get the pics onto the computer...too many steps at the moment.
Hope you are all well!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Obwald Kids Off to school

Jenna, cute as a button, with new hair flowers.
Kirra off to preschool.

Cohl off to 1st grade.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Refreshing Time

We were able to get away for 3 nights and 4 days for our 10th anniversary this past summer. What a blessing! Thank you!

Pictures Again...

Our couples LG from this past summer went on a group date for our last meeting. The only rule was to have a "team uniform".We had a BLAST!
The Torres Crew...GO DOGS
The Behnings are multiplying. Her shirt had a bowling ball and his had a pin. (lol) They are expecting their second child.
Super Hero Hendersons. Always fun with them!
Cup-a-Joe Stockdales. They met at Starbucks.
Marquez Mob. They are Team Driscoll. Our study this summer was a Mark Driscoll sermon Series from Mars Hill Church
It was actually our 10th Anniversary that night. David had one of the couples bring me flowers from him :)
I made our shirts with iron-ons. They make cute iron-ons these days.
Henderson/Stockdale team won the first game

Erin and Erin and their husbands. (Oh and Cherish in the back...just noticed that.)

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Pics may be a long time comin'

Hi all
Well in the selling of our house, move and relocation journey my camera cord has gone missing. So I am not so sure any pics of the Obwalds will get onto this blog.

None the less we are good. Cohl is having a great time in 1st grade, Kirra is having a great time at preschool and Jenna and I are having a great time. The SE campus of The Well is tons of fun, so alive this last Sunday with people back into the swing from summer.

Join us if you're in the neighborhood.
I don't recall adding these pics to the blog. Yes those are two sad girls who were SOOOOO excited to get their ears pierced just moments before. The tears lasted but moments and they love having them done.
I told Kirra that when she thought she was ready I would take her...Jenna was collateral damage. They give lolly pops when you cry. She was driven by sugar. I thought, "What the heck, I 'm already here."
So there you have it two sweet little girls with holes in their ears. :)

Little diamonds (fake of course)

little pink rhinestone flowers (they chose)

Monday, August 3, 2009

The end of the trip

Kirra, Jenna and Peyton dressing up
Oh it's great to have cousins!

Bennett is Joan's youngest and we got to hang out with him a lot. Cohl loved Bennett

Girl pic! Dante was fun for the girls to be around too! Whenever Kirra didn't see Dante she asked where she was and when she was coming back.

Beautiful sunset just before the fireworks on the 4th.

Some of them built a huge sunken fort to hang out it while the fireworks were going on. Dad and Cohl had a bet that the tide would or would not fill the hole. Cohl won the bet that it would not fill up and got $10 from dad.

Cohl lost his 1st tooth

Funny story: Cohl's tooth was loose when we started our trip to Legoland. After two days on the trip we were eating pizza @ Ali and Scott's house and after dinner was all cleared he noticed that the tooth was not there. We looked everywhere and found it under the table.

Face Painting @ Legoland

This was one of the coolest things we did. Cohl got this huge spider.
Kirra got a princess mask.

Jenna got a dolphin.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

getting updated...Here's JULY

Legoland first was a blast!!! Thanks to very generous cousins we were able to go for two days and then one day at the beach.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


hangin' at the pool with his new shark-tooth necklace from Hawaii. (gma and gpa Obwald just returned)
yum-O @ Trin's bday party

Dad and Cohl boogie-boarding at Avila Beach. Cohl's first time in a wet suit. So cute...I mean manly :)

Cohl @ Joseph's bday party (from his class at school)

Cohl and Gannon after their Memorial Day performance at school. All three K classes sang three songs for the parents with their fire cracker hats

Eech kid is GIANT of THE WEEK. This is Cohl's borad we decorated.

I pretty much let him pick his outfits for school. We went through about 1 month of picking two different shoes and two different socks...whatever.

Muffins with Mom at Cohl's school. I love my boy!