We have decided to have a family meeting every week. So for fun I thought we would all dress up for the first one. This is what we came up with.
I am a tennis player.
David is a gangster (fitting for our area of town :).
Cohl has a pirate hat on, his favorite T-Rex shirt, his tennis
racquet and the knife sharpener as a pirate sword.
Kirra is a
ballerina with water shoes on as dancing shoes and her Cinderella wand.
Jenna is just in the picture and not crying. It was quite a production dressing all of us and she just had to show up in whatever she already had on.
It has been so much fun.

Kirra got her turn with the knife sharpener as the sword.

At the family meetings we do all sorts of fun things. First we start out with a clap thing we made up. Then the Chairperson starts the meeting. You are
eligible to be Chairperson when you are 4 years old. So for now David and I rotate and
Cohl will soon be joining the rotation in August. We go around and give everyone a compliment or say why we are thankful for them. Then we talk about concerns or agenda items. We may need to work on something or talk about something. Last time we practiced what to do in case of a fire and how to
answer the door. Then we talk about weekly "helping jobs" and then plan and activity for the week.
What a wonderful idea! I hope to see more updates as the family meetings progress. I bet Cohl is very excited to become a part of meeting leadership. Have a great week!
i love it.
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